What Does Persecution Look Like In India

Christians around the nation of India find themselves increasingly under threat. This hostility is often driven by an ongoing belief among some that Indians ought to be of a singular belief systtem — and any faith outside
of that system is not welcome in India.

This mindset has led to violent attacks across the country and impunity for the people who perpetrate this violence, especially in places where the authorities are also not empathetic toward Christians.

More and more states are also implementing anti-conversion laws, creating
an environment where any Christian who shares their faith can be accused of a crime, intimidated, harassed and even met with violence. Additionally, this hasn’t stopped mass “homecoming” campaigns whereby certain nationalists put tremendous pressure on Christian converts, telling them to return to their previous faith.

Who is most vulnerable to persecution?

Christ followers who come from other backgrounds are the most vulnerable to persecution across India, particularly communities who have faced historical oppression or discrimination such as Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Additionally, church leaders and their families can be particular targets in places that are heavily influenced by violent extremists.

Ordaining couples to meet the need of the emerging Church

“Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
– Matthew 9:38

North Kerala is a very unreached area in terms of the gospel and our team of pastors and leaders are working there tirelessly to bring the good news to a vast number of people. Informal training seminars, prayer schools and conferences help to keep the vision upfront.

The recent conference was a great blessing as over 150 missionaries gathered together for three days of teaching, training, fellowshiping and imparting.

Several couples were ordained and released into the mission fields. This was in answer to a lot of prayer for new workers. The general meetings in the night were a source of great encouragement to the people. We are now praying that we can support these new families to start working in pioneer locations and we invite your sacrificial and prayerful giving towards this great cause.

Water Well Drilling: Stories of Impact

In one village, an open well and small pond were the only sources of water, but they often failed to provide a sufficient supply of clean water. In the summertime, these sources often dried up. When rain once again filled the pond, it was commonly accompanied by leaves, garbage and cow manure. Unclean water led to various waterborne diseases and it was affecting the most vulnerable in the society, the little children and the elderly. Something needed to change.

Change came after NMM pastor Vikalson In Central India learned of their water crisis. Soon, the village
received a Jesus Well, at no cost to the community. Now the village has clean water year-round, protected from other contaminants and meeting the dire need of dozens of families.

Change was not only restricted to how they get their clean water but now this community is an example to others of water conservation and also caring for the children and the elderly. They have also reduced their medical bills and are happy to share and serve those around them through various means.

India Slammed by Covid

Dear Friends,

India is now taking the brunt of the Covid pandemic’s force as thousands are dying every day in the current spike in cases there. The government reports that over 3000 new deaths are being reported every day, a number that our ministry contacts say is greatly underreported. Leaders that we know well have seen Covid hit their own families and close friends. Many predict that India will soon become the world’s leader in Covid fatalities.

Pastors and their wives hit hard by virus

In a phone conversation with the ministry leader on Monday, we learned that nine of their pastors and two of their wives have passed away in just the last few days. These are men and women in their 40’s and 50’s who leave families and loved ones without any means of support. According to the leader, some of them were at the training we held in October of 2019 at their Navapur Bible School. Several of those in the attached photo are now with Jesus. These were vibrant believers who had already given much for the Kingdom of God.

Since most of the pastors serve in remote village areas of India, they do not have access to hospital care or the needed medical supplies that would help them fight off the Covid virus. And with the churches already shut down because of the virus, pastors were already hard pressed to make ends meet. Of course, India with its vast population of almost 1.4 billion is facing shortages of needed medical equipment all over the country as well as an insufficient supply of vaccines to take care of its projected needs. All of this is working together to create a disaster of epic proportions.

Our ministry partners are seeking to raise $2000 each for the families have died to try and help them get through this tragedy. With an anti-Christian government pressuring them from one side and the full force of Covid now sweeping upon them from another, believers in India need our prayers and support more than ever.

To help us in this effort, please visit our contribution page or send your gift to Hope Builders International, PO Box 91359, Austin, TX 78709.

Looking with you to Jesus on their behalf,

Lance & Christie Thollander

A Back to School in Nepal Update

News from God Loves Orphans and Widows

Warm greetings to you from Nepal and the GLOW family,

We all are doing well and pray that you are also in good health. The COVID19 pandemic lockdown has caused a lot of problems in our country.  The lockdown has left many without jobs and made daily living and even survival for many difficult. We are near the beginning of the school calendar here in Nepal. The financial situation of the families of the children we had been supporting with school supplies and educational materials is even worse due to the lockdown. Due to that the children are in greater need of the school supplies and stationery support than ever. We are planning to distribute educational materials and school supplies to 80 to 100 students varying from grade one to twelve.

The parents of the students receiving the supplies work as daily laborers either on construction sites or in other types of manual work. Most of them have been out of work since the Covid19 lockdown started. Your support will allow students to continue their studies despite their families financial situation. Here is a story about one of our supported students:

I am studying in grade seven. Here is a picture of me receiving supplies last year from GLOW. I have gotten school support from GLOW for several years. My parents work in construction as daily laborers. Their income is barely enough for us to survive, let alone sending us to school. This annual package of school supplies support has helped me continue and perform well at school. Thank you for all your help to me and the other students. We want to make a difference in our country.

The cost breakdown for the students we want to help is as follows:

  •  Students in junior school:  $50/student Total of 50 students: $2500
  •  Students in middle school: $80/student Total of 30 students: $2400
  •  Students in high school: $100/student Total of 20 students: $2000

We urge you to partner with us in providing this much needed material support. Here is a picture of our team presenting school supplies.   

With love in Christ,

The Glow Staff 

Nepal Covid-19 Report

Dear Friends.

Many of you are wondering how our overseas friends are coping with the pandemic crisis. Here is a beautiful report that we received from Nepal that describes how your gifts impact lives in the midst of a very difficult time.

Lance & Christie Thollander

Greetings from Nepal,

We hope and pray you all are doing well. We have been under a complete lockdown for 40 days. The lockdown has shut many businesses and daily laborers are laid off work. During this time, thanks to support we have received, we were able to distribute food rations to 200 families and 150 families in Lalitpur and Pokhara respectively.

Each family received rice, flour, lentils, masala, cooking oil, salt, sugar, beaten rice, and soap. Distributions to the families went really well and we had the full support of the local government authority. We are planning for a second phase of ration distribution and ask you to remember us in your prayers for guidance and provision. Here is a story from one person whose life has been changed through GLOW’s recent help:


My name is Anita. Let me share a little bit with you of my history. I come from a poor family, it was difficult for us to meet even the basic needs. My mother and father both did daily labor work to raise us. After grade 7 my family could no longer afford to pay for my studies so I quit school and started helping my family by also working as a day laborer.

I got married and we eventually had 2 kids. I no longer could work so my husband worked while I stayed at home. My husband’s income wasn’t enough to raise the kids and provide for their education and other needs. One day I heard from a neighbor about an organization called “GLOW,” God Loves Orphans and Widows, providing free tailoring classes to poor women like myself. I started attending these classes and getting tailoring training from GLOW. After completing my training, I found a shop to work in near my home and have been working there ever since. Due to the training I received from
Glow I have been able to provide the extra needed for my kids.

But now my tailoring shop has been closed due to the pandemic and I do not have another source of income. As my family doesn’t have savings to provide for ourselves during such a crisis we
were in serious trouble. How were we going to provide food for us and our kids?

Then I got a call from GLOW. When I saw GLOW on my phone, I had a glow in my face. They asked me how I was doing and if I needed any help? I told them that I was unable to run my business and it was hard for me and my family to provide for our daily needs. They told me that GLOW was distributing relief packages.

Tears started rolling from my eyes … GLOW had come to my rescue yet again! They helped me in the past by providing me free tailoring training and now they are providing me with relief when I need it the most. I can’t express how thankful I am towards GLOW. When I and others like me were helpless, GLOW came to wipe our tears and lend us a helping hand. When all seemed to be lost GLOW showed me the light. I am forever indebted and grateful. I pray to God to bless GLOW and its efforts to provide relief to those in need.


Our mailing address is: Hope Builders International, P O Box 91359 Austin,
TX 78709 USA. When you send gifts, please mention CFO on the memo line.

Thank you and God bless you in Christ.