The Forge in the Himalayas

For details, click here to download the Forge 2019 brochure

The Forge in the Himalayas will be an experience that will inspire you to impact your world! The Program Includes:

• Bible centered teaching by experi- enced mentors.
• Learning through sharing and exchang- ing life with students from other nations.
• Experiencing life of the unreached and remote communities of the Himalayas.
• Praying @ The Pinnacle – A Prayer Trek that will take us to the top of a 13,500 Himalayan peak to pray for the world and our
• Daily Worship and devotional times together
• Daily Job assignments
• Practical Ministry among the Children and to Women and the Community.

*Suggested age range – 20’s and 30’s

The Kingdom of God

by Lance Thollander

What comes to your mind when you hear the phrase “the Kingdom of God”? An image from my youth flashes into my mind of a poorly dressed, somewhat crazy-looking man with a long straggly beard. He’s standing on a street corner in downtown San Francisco yelling at the top of his voice for people to repent. He’s holding a sign that reads: “The Kingdom of God is at hand.”

That was not a good introduction to the Kingdom of God. In fact, it made that Kingdom seem like something to avoid at all costs. God’s enemy would love to see that image, or any other negative one of the Kingdom of God, abound. He does not want to see the Kingdom of God made real. Where it thrives, he is defeated.

Of course, such negative images have nothing to do with the real Kingdom of God. This is a place of vitality, beauty, riches, glory, and humility. When we invite the Lord to bring to light the importance of his Kingdom, whole new vistas open up in understanding his purpose for this earth.

The Name of the Lord

by Lance Thollander

What is the most important thing you have ever been given? Is it your health, your house, an inheritance? What gift have you been given that you treasure more than any other? Could it be a keepsake from a beloved parent, relative or friend?

As I think about what has been given to us as believers in Christ, one of the greatest gifts we have received is the gift of his Name. The enjoyment of that name opens the door of the Heavens to us and offers us more blessing than we can imagine. How does this work?

I will never forget that life-changing evening in Santa Barbara, California, when I intentionally called on the Lord Jesus for the first time. After hearing an older believer in Christ share about the power of calling on the Lord’s name and the beauty of his attendant presence, I was determined to give it a try. I walked out onto the small balcony off our living room, turned my heart as best I knew how in the Lord’s direction, and confessed his name out loud; Jesus, Lord. As I quietly waited, a smile tugged at the corners of my mouth. A lightness made space in my heart. Peace was present. I sensed the nearness of the Lord. I called his name again, Lord, Jesus. My smile deepened.

That was almost 50 years ago. I have been calling on him ever since.

We’re Moving!

We are excited to announce that Hope Builders International is moving our office to Austin, TX.

Our new address is:

Hope Builders International
PO Box 91359
Austin, TX 78709

All banking information and online contribution services will remain as they are. More info to follow. Thank you for your gracious support of Hope Builders International and our overseas partners. We pray that this move will open new doors for us so that we can serve them even better in the years ahead. For more information or if you have any questions you can reach us at (434) 996-8850.

“The Word of God”

This week, the continuing conversation surrounding Lance’s book, Exploring the Divine.

Download the FREE eBook here!

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“The Church”

This week, the continuing conversation surrounding Lance’s book, Exploring the Divine.

Download the FREE eBook here!

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