NEEP Rejoices with the Provision of a Truck
Uganda remains a serious battleground for the cause of the gospel. Supporting Christian ministry there is crucial. We are happy to report that the work of our partners at NEEP Uganda was strengthened this past month through the provision of a truck! NEEP operates a school and farm where several hundred children are being raised up to know the true God. When the founder, Gertrude Kabatalemwa suddenly went home to glory last year, her son, Emmanuel, stepped in to head up the work. It was Gertrude’s vision to raise up a thousand young people who would stand strong for the claims of Christ in Uganda. Several months ago Emmanuel was in a serious accident when he was hit by another vehicle. Thankfully, he was not seriously injured but the truck was a total wreck. This was a crucial loss to the ministry as the truck was needed in the farm work of providing food for the school. Now, thanks to the generosity of HBI donors, a good quality used truck has been provided. The joy at NEEP was apparent. Here is what Emmanuel’s sister, Clare, wrote to us,
“We have no words to express exactly how excited we got after reading the e-mail with the good news about the truck. After reading it I immediately called Emmanuel at the farm, He was overwhelmed with joy. If it was possible he would have flown over and given you Big Hugs. You have been a part of the Body of Christ caring for us and carrying us on your shoulders out of a disturbed Sea to the Shore.”
They were able to carry out a road test on the car so they know it should be good for many more miles of service. Our thanks go to those who responded to our appeal for help and to all of you who are remembering NEEP and our other overseas partners in your prayers. The fight goes on. The Lord is our shield and strength.
With love in Him,
Lance & Christie Thollander