An Exciting Opportunity with Isam Ghattas and Manara International
The Blessed Olive Tree
On his recent trip to the Holy Land, Isam Ghattas of Manara International in Jordan was continually impressed by the Olive Tree – one of God’s best blessings. Here is how he described the experience and what he decided to do about it.
“We were privileged to see the Mount of Olives, where Jesus labored in prayer His final night before Good Friday. We witnessed fields of blessing with some olive trees dating back 2,000 years to Roman rule. The olive tree with its immense natural health benefits also signifies peace and plenty. The olive tree has created a new desire in me – an idea that I pray will also inspire you.
One of our dreams at Manara International is, with your help, to plant and grow a new Mount of Olives in Jordan. One thousand blooming new olive trees in Moab, the southern region, the land of Ruth (Daniel 11:41) and an adjoining mountainous property. One thousand beautiful new olive trees to herald the coming of one thousand years of peace at the return of Our Lord. One thousand fruitful new olive trees with all their healthy benefits for people and the environment within the next 3-4 years. On the land, there are already 200 planted trees, but our aim is to plant 800 more olive trees. We also have water storage of 220 cubic meters which is ready to irrigate the olive trees.
Our cost is $60 for each olive tree. After planting these trees of peace in your name, we will send you pictures of their progress along with our gratitude for helping us achieve this vision. I thank you, and even the honey bees will thank you, for being a part of a new Mount of Olives in Moab, Jordan. Thank you once more for your support in the past, and for continuing to serve with us at Manara International. Please feel free to participate in this new green effort which we pray will bring glory to Our Lord. You can send your gifts to the Hope Builders International address below or give here on the website. Simply put Olive trees for Jordan in the memo box.
Hope Builders International
PO Box 91359
Austin, TX 78709
With grateful thanks and love in Christ,
Isam and The Manara International Team