Gertrude Kabatalemwa was born into a chieftain’s family in northwest Uganda. During these horrific years she endured the murder of her husband, the kidnapping of a son and the murder of her second husband. But the Lord saved her and called her to serve Him. She began by reaching out to the destitute children in her homeland. She started a school with 25 children. That school now serves over 600 students ages 4 to 16.
Gertrude’s goal is to raise up 1000 highly educated students who love God, will become leaders in their society and who will stand against the rising tide of radical Islam that is coming in from the north. The government will not accredit the existing dilapidated buildings used by the secondary students so the foundation is being laid for a new secondary school building. This will offer much improved classroom space for the growing numbers of students. Gertrude’s hope this year is to finish the first floor so that classes can begin in the new building. $50-$100 for building materials.