Over 100,000 Egyptian Christians have fled Egypt since the so-called Arab Spring revolutions broke out this year. Churches have been burned and believers have been attacked and killed. Persecuted throughout the Middle East, Christians are leaving places like Egypt, Iraq, and Palestine in droves, often ending up in refugee camps in Jordan. Manara Ministries is actively involved in helping such people. Right now a 20 foot long container full of rice, pasta, canned food and clothing worth over $60,000 is ready for shipment to Aqaba, Jordan, in time for Christmas. These are believers pushed out of their homeland due to their faith in Christ. $6000 is needed to cover the shipping costs. In Bangladesh and Pakistan, countries where believers are often targets of terrible oppression, native missionaries are carrying out successful evangelical campaigns. 156 new believers recently came to Christ in such meetings and were baptized, shown right. These new believers long for their own Bible and songbook so they can know the Lord more deeply.
$10 covers the cost of a Bible and Songbook.