Here’s a quote that was sent to us last week from our partners in Nepal: “Hello, I am an elderly Buddhist Monk living and teaching in a monastery. I had the opportunity to read the gospel tract about Jesus from your ministry. I like Jesus very much and I wanted to ask you if I could be a Jesus follower in my heart but still be a Buddhist monk on the outside? What shall I do?…”
This letter is an example of the responses our friends in Nepal receive regularly. Gospel tracts, preaching teams and radio are used to preach the gospel to unreached areas of Nepal. The plan this year is to send out ten evangelism teams, distribute a half-million pieces of literature and broadcast 400 radio programs with the message of eternal life all over the country. To fulfill this plan, portable equipment is needed.
This includes a projector, backup battery packs and speakers to show Jesus films at night and to preach the gospel. Literature distribution is very effective. For this a good laptop to design and publish gospel literature is required. Radio programs reach the masses with the gospel message. A good audio recording device to improve program quality is also needed. To purchase one set of all this equipment will cost $4800.

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