Every nation knows that their future lies with their youth. Consider the evil reality today that ISIS is beheading children in order to make whole villages turn their little ones over to this evil movement to be brainwashed and used by them.
The Kingdom of God operates completely in the opposite way. Jesus set the model himself by admonishing his followers to let the children come to him, “for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” We have seen first hand the wide eyed wonder of little ones who are being raised up in homes, orphanages and schools by our ministry partners in India.
The fact is that once these little ones become aware of a God who loves them and has a hope and future for them, they turn around and tell their extended families of their new found hope in Jesus. In this way many come to Christ and the influence of the Gospel spreads throughout a region.
Lance is traveling in November to visit several of these schools and orphanages. Your gifts for beds, books, clothing, medical supplies, and even construction materials to add on to the facilities are needed to support our partners in areas where the gospel is still largely unknown.