It is harvest time in the Middle East. Whether it is a time of celebration or of mourning depends upon what has been sown. In Jordan wheat is a precious commodity. According to archeologists, cultivation of wheat began in northern Jordan around 9600 B.C. And in many areas, it is still harvested by hand, just as it has been for thousands of years.
Sadly, however, another kind of harvest is taking place in neighboring Syria. For decades, corruption, religious intolerance, and oppression have been sown, and now the harvest has come, yielding violence, destruction, and death. Two weeks ago, a massacre left 108 dead in Houla. A few days ago, another massacre took the lives of 78 people in the village of Qubair in the Hama district. It is reported that at least half were women and children. Many of the 9,000 reported dead are Christians, caught in the crossfire between Islamic factions.
But, thank God, another harvest, a harvest of young souls, is also taking place right now at Camp Gilead, the summer program run by our friends at Manara Ministries. And this harvest is bringing forth life, because the life of Jesus Christ is being sown.
A great number of the children come to the mountain with sad and fearful eyes, eyes that have seen too much bloodshed and despair and hopelessness. In Gilead, their eyes are filled with the beauty and majesty of God’s creation. They crinkle with joy and laughter. And at some point, the eyes of nearly every child are opened to the love of God. They pray and invite the Lord Jesus into their hearts. And when they leave the mountain, they have their Father’s eyes.
The apostle Paul urges us “to not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” We will reap a great harvest if we take the opportunity now to sow the seeds of life into the children at Camp Gilead.
They are the future, not only of Jordan but also of the Middle East. As the Mediterranean breezes blow the grains of wheat where they will, the Holy Spirit is going to send these children throughout the region to carry the Gospel to those who are starving for truth and righteousness.
How do the local people respond to the camp offerings? Within the first 45 minutes of the three-day registration period, the entire camp was filled! Parents had signed up 900 children! That is how hungry they are for spiritual food!
Will you help us feed them?
Please share whatever you can today, wrapped in prayer and designated for Manara International.